Used Wyssmont Turbo Tray Dryer Model N18
Contract No: BAK-6397
Structural steel support frame with 1.5" thick insulated panels, stainless steel sheet cladded
Base area is a decagon shape measuring 9'-9" across corners and a 10'-0" roof height
Dryer Trays: quantity of 18, diameter of 78", stacked on 4-11/16" spaces
Product Inlet: 5" X 15" flange @ 10'-6" elev.
Product Discharge: 5.5" X 25.5" flange @ 1'-11" elev.
Drying Air Outlet: 18"Ø flange @ 11'-0" elev.
Turbo Fan Drive: 1.5HP with Roto-clone variable speed pulley
Tray Drive: 1HP gearmotor & chain
Inlet Air Fan: 5HP stainless steel, backward incline, 3500RPM
Steam Coils: quantity of 3 inline Aerofin steam coil units
Inlet Air Filter: filter housing, holds 44"W X 35"H HEPA filters
Weight ~ 10,000 lbs
Demonstration Video on File.
Overall dimensions: 108x108x132" H.